What better way to spend the holiday season than a session with two love birds in Mifflinburg, PA? Let me answer that, there isn’t! An occupational hazard of being a photographer is being exposed to too much LOVE. But I’ll tell you what, it’s the best kind of hazard there is.
Smooshy head kisses, pretty colors, and lots of love between two people make my heart SING. Twirl, hug, snuggle… Do what you need to do to show those around you that you REALLY like them.
Only Tristan and Alivia could make greenhouse insulation look SO GOOD.
These two make my heart flutter. Every touch, glance, and embrace holds so much meaning. They bring da christmas cheer all year round.
I had the ultimate honor of capturing their love story and I would love to capture yours. Please contact me here! I just can’t wait to hear all about your wedding day!
UGH. Lauren, how dare you take such beautiful pictures. My heart simply CANNOT take the sweetness.